速報APP / 娛樂 / Diamond World

Diamond World





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Diamond World(圖1)-速報App

Your Favorite TV Channel From Indonesia. We Provide 7 channel of Television to make sure you feel comfortable watching our channel. The list of our channel are:

1. Avava Diamond Televisi Indonesia (ADTI)

A Channel specialised in Entertainment and Top Movie.

2. Black Diamond Televisi Indonesia (BDTI)

A Channel specialised in News around Indonesia Country and Overseas.

3. Avava Bollywood Channel (ABC)

A Channel specialised in Bollywood Movie.

4. Gold Diamond

Diamond World(圖2)-速報App

A Channel specialised in Movies Premium and Box Office Movies.

5. Red Diamond

A Channel specialised in Mandarin Movies.

6. White Diamond

A Channel specialised in Mandarin Drama, Entertainment and Education.

7. Kids Diamond

A Channel specialised in Cartoon and Kids Movies.

Diamond World(圖3)-速報App

8. Diamond Television

A Channel specialised in local News and Entertainment.

Diamond World(圖4)-速報App